Saturday, December 14, 2019

How should a guy approach and treat a Ladyboy?

A ladyboy is generally defined as a woman in a man's body. The key thing to bear in mind here is: WOMAN in a man's body. If a guy wants to get past her suspicions about the nature of his interest in her, don't offer her a dick. Offer her flowers and a dinner date. He needs to express his interest the same way he would with any girls.
What genetic females will appreciate, so will the ladyboy. Don't treat her like a freak. Chances are excellent she will resent being treated as a curiosity. She has endured a lot of pain and derision over gender issues, and has spent a lot of money trying to correct a mistake by nature. Be understanding and appreciative of her ordeal. Be a gentleman. Get past the plumbing issues and think in terms of her femininity. It's not that hard to do and she will greatly appreciate it.
A man should know, what she needs and how she thinks. Therefore, a man doesn't need to bring up transexsual issues on the first date. Instead, he should focus on her, her life and her interests. He shouldn't treat her any differently than he would any other woman. She craves to be treated like any other woman, but she fully expects her date to ask inappropriate sex- and transexual-related questions, because it happens all the time. Surprise and delight her! Don't even bring the subject up. Let her be the one to bring it up, if she wants. Doing things this way will likely make a very big impression. And that could put the guy miles ahead of everyone else vying for her attention.
Odds are, she's taking female hormones. That often results in feminine mood swings. Expect that. The pre-op ladyboy may still have a dick, but psychologically she's a girl.

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