Saturday, August 22, 2020

Can Ladyboys who working as a Bargirl seriously fall in love?

First of all let me define the word “Bar girl” is a woman who works as a hostess or dancer in bars to provide company or sexual services to patrons, Bar girls sometimes get a commission on drinks bought by their customers and a percentage of the escort fee (bar fine) paid by any customer who wishes to take them out of the bar at that night.

Like any working girl in any job, she views her work dispassionately. It is something she does to make money. It makes no difference to her how many men she has to sleep with to make the money, just as a secretary doesn't count the number of documents she types up in a day. Having sex with men is just a job for bar girls.
She may enjoy her work, although if she even can speak english a little but enough to open conversations and you get to know some of the bar girls most will tell you that they hate the job but they do it because it's the best way they know how to make good money due to their lack of education, can hardly find jobs that pay any better... Acctually most bar girls do pretty much enjoy their job. Most ladies already have friends or relatives working in the same bar. Aside from the important "money factor," physically it's definitely not a tough job - chatting with customers, enjoying "lady drinks", playing pool...
Lots of bar girls even believe that they may meet a man and really fall in love, although this is a very remote possibility if the girl has been on the game for more than a few months. As someone says "You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl."

Just remember that "falling in love" to a Thai bar girl doesn't mean the same as you understand. She's told you she loves you? you are handsome or miss you so much...  She may well her own bar girl fashion ( all bar girls learn from the same book). To a Thai girl, especially a bar girl, falling in love means that she has found someone who will support her. Of course she loves you but she loves your money too. Eventually...when you have no more to give. There is more truth in the joke T-shirt slogan "No Money, No Honey". Of course, if you manage to find a decent (not a bar) girl who has properly job she may also genuinely love you. But it is probably going to be tempered by how well you can support her. 
Well, how many prostitutes do actually fall in love with their clients? Not too many, correct? As every woman, The bar girls have a heart too, which they're capable of giving away. However, their choice for a long-term boyfriend or potential future husband generally depends on the chosen one's financial background and his readiness to "take care" for her and her family (e.g. build a house in the village, support her parents, kids etc. financially.) In other words, the financial aspect usually plays a decisive role in determining whether a bar girl will enter a more serious relationship with a man.
As long as you remember that she is working in a bar to make money, and that you are one of her revenue streams, you will be well on the way to staying sane. Don't try to 'save her from a life of degradation'. She doesn't feel her lifestyle is degrading, just as that secretary in an office doesn't feel her job is degrading. It's a job for your sweet little bar girl. That's it.
So pay her bar fine, take her back to your hotel, have all the fun you like, tell her how much you love her if you like. She may even tell you the same.
If you are tempted to take the relationship further and you actually want to marry her, ask yourself this Would you marry this girl if you had met her in a strip club? Would you take her home to meet your family? Will you be able to marry her and not think about all the men who were there before you?
Don't try to tell me that she is different. She isn't. She's just another bar girl...some men are just plain gullible, but I have to admit that's easy to understand when a clever beautiful ambitious sexy young thing is bringing everything to bear on making you happy and trying to get you to fall in love with her.

To anyone who has found true love in the bar ,this is not aimed at you ,best of luck .

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